Name of Office/ Division: School Governance and Operations Division Strand/Governance level: Schools Division Office
Statement of Purpose
Supports and capacitates schools and Learning Centers in ensuring a conducive learning environment and in compliance to quality standards of Governance and Operations.
Outcomes Indicators
Schools and Learning Centers (LCs) effectively and efficiently deliver education services.
Schools and Learning Centers (LCs) effectively and efficiently deliver education services.
Teaching and non-teaching personnel at the SDO are competent in performing their respective duties and functions.
Teaching and non-teaching personnel at the SDO are competent in performing their respective duties and functions.
Schools and Learning Centers maintain a conducive learning environment
Schools and Learning Centers maintain a conducive learning environment
Key Results Areas
Key Performance Indicators
Outputs Indicators
To strengthen the management of schools and learning centers in terms of process delivery of education support services
Percentage of schools and learning centers in terms of support management services that are compliant to the standards based on TNA
Training/ Capacity Building Reports
To capacitate schools and learning centers in the delivery of education program services
Percentage of schools and learning centers with improved delivery of education support services
Accomplishment reports on programs
To support the maintenance of a conducive learning environment
Percentage of schools and learning centers that maintained a conducive learning environment
Child Friendly School System conducted
Comprehensive School system
To implement and manage learner support services such as youth development programs, school health and nutrition, Senior High School (SHS) voucher
Percentage of implementation of various programs vs. targets
Program implementation reports on various learner support services
Planning and Research
To lead in the crafting of the Division Education Development Plan (DEDP) and assist the schools in the preparation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP), the Annual Improvement Plan (AIP) and the Annual Procurement Plan (APP)
Percentage of compliance to quality standard
Approved DEDP
To generate and disseminate timely, accurate, and relevant basic education statistics
Percentage of schools that submitted timely, accurate and relevant data
Validated data submitted and accepted by CO Planning
To prepare the Division research agenda based on Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) standard and oversee its implementation
Number of personnel conducting research based on BERF standards
Approved research
Community Level Linkages and Partnerships
To identify potential partners/donors for specific programs and projects
Number of potential donors for specific programs
Number of MOA/MOU crafted
Resource generated from identified donors for specific program
Signed MOA/MOU
To expand/sustain and institutionalize partnerships and linkages with stakeholders
No. of MOA/MOU signed vs. targets
MOA on sustainability of the programs
To accept donations (e.g. equipment, tools) from program/project partners for proper utilization
Number of turn over ceremony conducted/launched Inventory list of program/project equipment/tools
Certificates of Acceptance of project/program equipment/tools turnedover to the SDO List of project/program equipment/tools turnedover to the SDO
Human Resource Development
To manage the capacity building programs for teaching and nonteaching personnel including DRRM
Percentage of teaching and non-teaching personnel trained
Training design
List of personnel to undergo training
To train teaching and non-teaching personnel on skills and competencies enhancement
Teaching and non-teaching personnel demonstrate (at least) very satisfactory performance
To establish and manage rewards and recognition system
Conduct (at least) annual awards and recognition program
Guidelines for the selection of outstanding employees; names of awardees
Quality Assurance
To manage the capacity building programs for teaching and nonteaching personnel including DRRM
Percentage of schools complying to documentary requirements
Complete portfolio of school document
To ensure access to adequate, disaster resilient and safe buildings and ground facilities according to the prescribed standards
Percentage of buildings which are disaster resilient
Percentage of schools compliant with standards
Percentage of schools compliant with standards
Number of buildings not damaged after natural calamities
Number of schools with zero accident recorded/reported
Serviceable furniture
Serviceable ramp and handrail
Exclusive toilet each for boys and girls
To quality assure learning and development programs
Number of quality assured learning and development programs
Quality Assurance Monitoring and Evaluation (QAME( Rating
To ensure the continuous improvement of schools and learning centers thru School-Based Management (SBM)
Percentage of schools achieving a higher SBM level of practice
SBM level of Accreditation
To manage and implement the Quality Management System (QMS)
Functional Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessment (DMEA)
Consolidated School Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessment (SMEA) results
DMEA & SMEA Results/ Report
To develop Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tools for the utilization and implementation of projects
Percentage of M&E tools developed/crafted
Availability of validated M&E tool/instrument
To conduct M&E of the projects and programs
Percentage of schools and Learning Centers monitored and evaluated
M&E report
Completion report
To analyze M&E result for appropriate intervention