The Legal Unit of the Schools Division Office of Makati City (SDO-Makati/organization) is under the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent. It enhances capacity of the organization to deal with legal matters and to be proactive on legal issues raised by stakeholders.
Consistent and in support with the legal strand of the Department of Education Central Office (DepEd Central) and the Legal Unit of the Department of Education National Capital Region (DepEd-NCR), the Legal Unit of SDO-Makati:
Adheres, observes and implements the strategic framework developed and managed by the Legal Services Division of the DepEd Central.
Provides legal advice; interprets laws and rules affecting the operation of the organization; prepares contracts and instruments to which the organization is a party, and interprets provisions of contracts covering work performed for the organization by private entities.
Assists the organization’s management in the promulgation of rules governing the activities of the organization; prepares comments on proposed rules concerning the organization; answers legal queries within its allowed authority, from the public.
Assists the Solicitor General in suits involving the Department of Education, as may be authorized, or its officers or employees, or acts as their principal counsel in all actions taken in their official capacity before judicial or administrative bodies, and performs such other functions as may be provided by law.
Investigates, upon designation, erring teaching personnel under the jurisdiction of the Regional Director-DepEd NCR or erring non-teaching personnel under the jurisdiction of Schools Division Superintendent of SDO-Makati.