
Records Unit


Who May Avail of the Service?
Students of Public and Private Elementary, Junior HS and Senior HS of Makati  (school level)

What are the Requirements?
Public and Private School

  1. Fill out CAV Form 1 (Request Form) for any of the following Academic School Records (ASR)                                                         a.  Elementary/Secondary Diploma                                                                                                                                                         b.  Form 137                                                                                                                                                                                                 c.  Certification of Enrolment/Completion/Graduation
  2. If representative,                                                                                                                                                                                                 a.  Provide Special Power of Attorney (SPA) executed by the applicant specifically stating the name of the                             representative and the purpose of its issuance.         
  3. In case of a minor learner, presentation of a valid proof of affinity to the minor learner as stated hereunder:                                 a.  Parent   –   Birth Certificate of the minor learner                                                                                                                                   b.  Brother or Sister of legal age  –  Birth Certificate of the minor learner and the brother or sister                                                c.  Legal Guardian  –   Court Order                                                                                                     
  4. Indorsement of the Principal to the Regional Office (CAV Form 5 – School Transmittal to the Regional Office)                                                                                              
 Duration: 3 days



Who may avail of the Service?

Students or Graduates of Public and Private Elementary, Junior HS and Senior HS of Makati (School and Regional Level)

What are the requirements?
     1. Letter-Request addressed to the School Principal
     2. Certificate of Live Birth (Issued by Philippine Statistics Authority – PSA) 1 original and 1 photocopy
     3. Affidavit of Discrepancy  and Affidavit of two (2) Disinterested Persons                                                                                               4. Form 137 and Diploma                                                                                                                                                                                     5. Indorsement of the Principal to Regional Office ( CAV Form 3 – Indorsement for Correction of Entries)                                                                                                               

Duration:  3 days

PROCESSING OF CAV (Results of Rating on ALS A&E and PEPT

Who may avail of the Service?

Out of School Youth  students who studied/passed the Test given by NETRC to Makati (Division and Regional Level)

What are the requirements?

   1.  Fill-out CAV Form 1 (Request Form)                                                                                                                                                             2.  Photocopy of ID and Claim Stub or Certificate of Rating (COR)                                                                                                             3.  Indorsement of the Superintendent to the Regional Office (CAV Form 13 – Transmittal to the Regional Office)

Duration:  3 days